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Azka M.Azka M.

Azka M.

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Providing a platform for customer and tailors to colabrate

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Welcome to Flutterfolio, where I showcase my passion for creating captivating mobile apps using the Flutter framework. With a keen eye for design and a mastery of Dart, I bring user-centric experiences to life. Explore my projects to see how I blend functionality with aesthetics, and let's embark on a journey of innovation together.

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In this way, the customer will stop losing their audience and also earn money from it. A VPN helps you stay anonymous and secure, so users use it for a variety of different services. To develop the application, the customer first contacted one team. It was chosen for the price: the team offered the cheapest solution, and it seemed like a good way to save money. But the idea failed. According to the plan, the application should have launched after six months. But almost a year passed and there were basically no results. It was then that the customer turned to Orbitsoft. After discussing the problem, we took up the project. We work on each project in stages, and divide the stages into iterations. After each, we tell the client what has already been done and at what stage the project is. In this way the customer is always up to date, and if something is wrong, we can quickly discuss it and adjust the work. Stage 1. Analyze situation The work on the application was divided into six stages. Since we didn’t start from scratch, but were given the results from the first team, the first thing we did was analyze what had already been done and how it worked. In fact, nothing has been completed. A few examples of what they found: The application had a monolithic architecture, so it was difficult to test and maintain it. For the customer, this means spending additional hours to add any new features. It would be better if the architecture consisted of layers: you can make changes to one layer and test only one layer, and not all of them at once. There were a lot of bugs in the code, so the program often crashed. For example, due to an authentication token, not all of the features had been updated. Technical block: examples of development problems from the first team Backend: frequent duplication of code sections lack of a unified code style incorrect integration with the payment system lack of automated deployment to servers Frontend: incorrect implementation of routing no animations for pop up windows and view transitions impossibility of selecting the number of displayed lines on pages of different types of statistics Web version: unoptimized code: a lot of repetitive code fragments, constants hardcoded into the code, no OOP, interface and code responsible for the application logic are mixed poor performance: no caching, requests to the server return the same data and are executed several times in a row in different places of the application, multithreaded programming is not used, requests to the API are executed in the interface thread. Delay when working with the interface reached 15 seconds security hole: app saves usernames and passwords and other confidential data in an open text file. Some requests to server return confidential data even with unauthorized requests. Mobile version: errors in logic of payment transactions duplicated animation when loading some screens of the application different layouts for iPad and different iPhone models difficult redesign of the application no localization of the application incorrect work of tokens for authorization processing of errors of returned requests from the API not implemented everywhere configuration files used to store data, which made it difficult to work with data selection, filtering, and sorting layout is not adapted for screens of different sizes Stage 2. Discuss with client and clarify goal of project Following our research, we contacted the client and discussed our results and work plan. While discussing, the client clarified the technical task. Now we not only had to fix the errors of the first team, but to develop a more advanced version of the application. Our project is a cross platform application that can work with different operating systems. Step 3. Study best practices in market and choose solution Before starting development, we always study ready made solutions. Consequently, our next step was research. This helps save the customer’s time: we don’t waste resources on knowingly inefficient solutions. Instead, we cut off the excess and invest in what will help the client earn more. For example, to transfer the application from Android to iOS, the customer suggested using a converter. We studied it, found limitations in it, and began to think about other options. As a result, we chose Kotlin for Android and Android TV, Swift for iOS and macOS, and C# for Windows applications. We studied different architectures and code of ready made applications. This helps to quickly select the best methods for solving the client’s problem. Stage 4. Design and develop application internals First, we made a minimum viable product — an application that you can download and at least log into. To test the work under real conditions, we agreed with the customer to offer free access to users, and they were warned that we were testing the application. A week later, we realized that there were no errors, and finalized the application. For example, additional functions such as auto connect at startup were added, and the design was updated. There were also some difficulties with the project. One of them was related to integration with iOS. At first, some of the data was not always displayed correctly, for example, whether the user had really subscribed or whether the trial period was still valid. This happened due to the App Store’s buyer’s authentication methods. To fix the incorrect work, we performed several actions. 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For us this means that users are satisfied with the set of functions and they are ready to work with the application. The customer is pleased with the result and the Orbitsoft team will maintain the application until the end of the year.
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Welcome to Flutterfolio, where I showcase my passion for creating captivating mobile apps using the Flutter framework. With a keen eye for design and a mastery of Dart, I bring user centric experiences to life. Explore my projects to see how I blend functionality with aesthetics, and let's embark on a journey of innovation together.
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